VKanon's 喜怒哀楽 KiDoAiRaku #13

  Recorded and edited on July 26th 2021 Monday,

Here comes VKanon's 喜怒哀楽 KiDoAiRaku #13 !

It was another relaxing and enjoyable recording~

As always, I talked a lot that now I'm wondering whether it's easier to edit due to no video, or is it harder 😂
But oh wow! I'm reaching episode 13!
It's like 1 season of anime 😂

I actually talked about 1 letter only, but a lot of update from my latest trip!! XD

Alright! Editor's note time!

Opening; 12 episodes cleared!! Keeping it short and quick as I already prepared so much to talk for my updates

Japan's update; Olympic has started! So much game and anime.. soundtrack XD

Since I had holidays due to the Olympics, I went to Izu!
My first time visiting beach, southern island in Japan!
Aquarium, food, CAT!!

Main Talk 1; mogumogu time! Some snacks I got from my trip!

I-i was too greedy that I forgot to take photos with them 😂
But they are SUPER CUTE!

Main Talk 2; keywords talk, based on the Alphabet. 
Q is for Question!

I talked about what kind of Questions makes me HAPPY ANGRY SAD and lastly, filled in this random questionnaire that I found online!!
I enjoyed it XD so much laughing at myself 😂

Endingno song cover this time, but there's One Phrase in Japanese 

No Omake this time!
I'd like to do my best from here on too, but I just figured out that my schedule in August won't allow me to do weekly recording ;w;
The editing part to be exact, unless I want to kill myself with not getting enough sleep 😂
As much as I love this podcast, I don't want to sacrifice gym too ;w;!
So apologise beforehand but Yoroshiku for August!

Next episode will be on the 6th August 2021!

Please scan this QR code to listen to the podcast!

Or feel free to click here!

This blog will be updated on the same day & time as the podcast episode, as a written & photo preview of what the podcast episode is about ⭐️
I welcome comment & message here, as well as in the episode's page ⭐️
Of course, I'm always available in InstagramTwitterFacebook and main blog too ⭐️


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