VKanon's 喜怒哀楽 KiDoAiRaku #11

Recorded and edited on July 13th 2021 Tuesday,

Here comes VKanon's 喜怒哀楽 KiDoAiRaku #11 !

The only thing I can say is.. I talked too much XD

Too much happening on weekend, plus too much material?
A lot of emotion mixed XD

 I only cleared O but mixed my Updates with the Main Talk!

Alright! Editor's note time!

Opening; I had hard week, thus my blog update was so slow ;w; 
But I had super filling weekend!

Japan's update; I tried to keep this short as.. I'd start complaining about my surrounding if I don't XD

I also mentioned which anime I'm following for this season!

Main Talk 1; mogumogu time! I should get this more as it tasted so good-----

Thanks to partner who didn't share with me last weekend XD
One of the sweets that I really recommend!

Main Talk 2; keywords talk, based on the Alphabet. 
O is for OOTD; Outfit of the Day!

I mentioned that I collected too much material (?) because since Tuesday 6th July until Monday 12th July, I've been taking photo of my Outfits!
Thus I also talked about what I like to wear (kinda addition to my F for Fashion talk!)

Plus what I experienced during the 7 days, mainly the weekends!

I went to Odaiba for 2 days in a row, one being for Oedo Onsen, another for photoshoot @ teamLab!

Endingno song cover this time, but there's One Phrase in Japanese 

I also have a short Omake at the end! Very short one XD

Next episode will be on the 23rd July 2021!

Please scan this QR code to listen to the podcast!

Or feel free to click here!

This blog will be updated on the same day & time as the podcast episode, as a written & photo preview of what the podcast episode is about ⭐️
I welcome comment & message here, as well as in the episode's page ⭐️
Of course, I'm always available in InstagramTwitterFacebook and main blog too ⭐️

Omake (2): I pressed the record button while the setting was still on photo taking XD


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