VKanon's 喜怒哀楽 KiDoAiRaku #7

Recorded and edited on June 14th 2021 Monday, VKanon's 喜怒哀楽 KiDoAiRaku #7 is done!

Recorded on 14th June 2021

Apparently another long episode, even though I was rushing as I woke up late ;;;;;;

Like before, I just can't hide my love for.. talking? Sharing!! XD

The points don't seem a lot but trust me, the episode is very tight with no space!!

Alright! Editor's note time!

- Opening; super short greeting as I couldn't wait to talk all my heart out (aka ranting /slapped) :D

- Japan's update: I for IMPOSTER? Internet? Identity thief!?
Well, I also introduced my friend's online store XD

- Main Talk 1; mogumogu time! I introduced another drink which I got back in VKanon's 喜怒哀楽 KiDoAiRaku #4 ; Melon Juice!

Main Talk 2; keywords talk, based on the Alphabet. J is for JAPAN!
Including a bit of V Kanon's Japan update, I'm relating it to 喜怒哀楽 KiDoAiRaku (Emotion)! I talked about what part of Japan makes me Happy Angry Sad Enjoy

Lemme warn beforehand that no offence intended!! As I'm living in "someone else's land", what I talk may be offensive but it's purely my honest opinion!

- Main Talk 3; keywords talk, based on the Alphabet. K is for KIDS! or KATAMINO
Another topic that is very related to me as I face (?) kids every day!
Plus a puzzle game that I truly enjoy using with my kids!

- Ending; no song cover this time, but there's One Phrase in Japanese 

I thought my talk would be more all over the place plus my anxiety regarding time but I guess everything ended up alright XD

Please scan this QR code to listen to the podcast!

Or feel free to click here!

This blog will be updated on the same day & time as the podcast episode, as a written & photo preview of what the podcast episode is about ⭐️
I welcome comment & message here, as well as in the episode's page ⭐️
Of course, I'm always available in InstagramTwitterFacebook and main blog too ⭐️


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